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The Power of Starting with “Why” when Establishing Performance Goals

Written by Stephanie Burford, PHR, M.S., HR Manager at Advisor HR

Did you know that according to Gallup research, 50% of employees do not clearly know what’s expected of them in the workplace? A lack of clarity on job responsibilities can cause many different challenges when it comes to employee engagement, productivity, and termination. If employees don’t know what’s expected of them, how can they be held accountable or feel connected to the organization? Goal setting is a task often dreaded by leaders, but it’s an essential function that drives productivity, provides clarity on expectations, and increases employee engagement.


In today’s fast paced environment, goal setting goes much deeper than leaders defining what needs to be done and how it will be accomplished. Goals should be aligned with the organizations bottom line and employees should truly understand why their goals matter. Leading with “why” versus “what do I need to do and how can I accomplish it” can transform a generic goal to powerful driver of motivation and engagement.


The concept of starting with why was established by the leadership expert, Simon Sinek. Simon argues that understanding the purpose behind actions inspire both individuals and organizations. A few years ago, after completing a 16-week training program, I successfully ran a marathon. Marathon training is no joke. It requires a significant amount of time, effort, and motivation to prepare your body for the run. My motivation to start and complete my goal came from defining why. It wasn’t driven by what I wanted to do and how I was going to do it, it was a deeper sense of motivation that allowed to me connect with my goal emotionally and physically, so even when I had no desire to get up early or run in uncomfortable weather conditions – I did it anyway because fell back on my answer to why.


When establishing goals for employees, start with why versus what and how. This will allow the employee to connect with their goal emotionally and intellectually which in turn will increase productivity and motivation. Simon Sinek stated, “If you hire people to do a job, they will work for money but if you hire people who believe what you do, they will give you their blood, sweat, and tears.” He went on to explain how people don’t buy what you do, but they buy why you do it. It’s the same concept for employees. Employees who understand why are more likely to persevere in the face of challenges. They don’t see obstacles as barriers, but as they are a part of a meaningful journey. This is driven by internal, long-term motivation where employees will show up and maintain focus when they are least motivated to do so.


Tips on how to lead with Why:


1.     Communicate Clearly – Explain the purpose of each goal and use examples to illustrate the impact of achieving the goal.


2.     Connect to The Organizations Bottom Line – Align each goal with the organizations mission, vision, and values. This will create a sense of belonging and allow the employee to understand how their role contributes to the bigger picture.


3.     Revisit & Reinforce – Goals can change overtime and that’s okay. Change goals as needed and remind employees of the “why” especially during challenging times. 


Incorporating the “why” into workplace goal setting drives engagement, clarity, and performance. It inspires employees to show up even on the worst days because they believe in what they do. Are your employees clear on their goals? Do you have a streamlined performance management system? The Advisor HR platform offers both a basic and robust performance management system. We are here to help create a process and develop goals and competencies that align with your bottom line. Reach out today to learn more!



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